Sunday, January 31, 2010


Here is a funny picture of me in my swim gear!This is me and my Grandpa. He has a cool car! I got to ride with him at Mt. Rainier when we were staying at Grandpa and Grandma's cabin. This is a picture of me hanging on a giant log over the river. Cool huh!Here I am jumping into a ginormous swimming pool at the cabin. This is where I learned to swim without floaties. My dad was so surprised! He didn't know Mom taught me how to swim.

dear grammy,thank you for the comment.
love you.

Welcome to my blog!

Hi! My name is Cole, and this is my blog. I hope you will love this blog. I am 8 years old, and I am in 2nd grade. I'm a cub scout and I like to play soccer too. I have lots of friends. My favorite holiday is Halloween because my birthday is October 30th. My favorite food is pizza!

Check back soon for more news from Cole!